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Garden Update: It's Planting Season

2023-02-21 11:42 The Garden
As the rains are expected in March/April, the team led by Samantha have been buzzing with anticipation and hard at work - setting up seed beds, preparing our diverse array of seeds for sowing, and planning the garden layout for our first season of planting.
This season we're planting a mix of indigenous seeds and vines, many of which have been generously shared by our friends. These include Murenda (Jute mallow), Nderema (Malabar Spinach), Mitoo (Crotalaria / rattlepod), Saget (African spider plant), Kunde (cowpea), Kancera (traditional kale), and the beautiful Glass Gem Maize. We're also planting Terere (Amaranth), Pumpkin, Managu (African night shade), Ground cherries / Cape gooseberries, Cherry tomatoes, Kiluma (Aloe vera), Mavake (Comfrey), Nguashe (sweet potato), Blackjack, chickweed, and other local useful weeds.
Thanks to the generous contribution of the Seed Savers Network, we're introducing several new seeds into our garden. We're particularly excited about trying our hand at Organic Soybeans, Mishiri (French beans), Indigenous white maize, Popcorn, Cereal millet, Sesame, Pearl millet, Black bean, Sugar peas, Red lentils, Gourds, Broad beans, Cress seeds, Chia, Calabash, and Pigeon peas.

In addition to our main planting, we're also setting aside small sections of the garden to grow specific seeds for the seed bank's regeneration process. These include Noni Murinda, Ndegumba bean, Grey beans, Yellow watermelon, Rocket/arugula, Purslane, Mdodoki (Luffa), Watermelon, and Hibiscus. We'll also be planting Tree tomatoes (we're hoping to plant 9 or 12 depending on the space), Sweet bananas (2 or 3), and Passion fruit vines, with the aim of saving the seeds for the bank.
While we're brimming with enthusiasm and excitement, we're also aware of the unpredictability of the weather. Kenya has been grappling with erratic rainfall patterns for some time now. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the rains come as expected.

As we continue our work, we're constantly reminded of the beauty and resilience of nature, and our small yet significant role in nurturing it. Each seed we plant is a step towards preserving biodiversity, promoting sustainable agriculture, and creating a healthier, greener world. We're immensely grateful for your support and look forward to sharing more updates as our garden project continues to grow.

Stay tuned, and keep rooting for us!